

To get started using django-nsync, install it with pip:

$ pip install django-nsync

Add "nsync" to your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting. E.g.:


Run python manage.py migrate to create the Django-Nsync models.

You will now have in your application:

  • An ExternalSystem model, used to represent ‘where’ information is synchronising from
  • An ExternalKeyMapping model, used to record the mappings from an ExternalSystem’s key for a model object, to the actual model object internally
  • Two ‘built-in’ commands for synchronising data with:
    • syncfile - Which synchronises a single file, but allows the user to specify the ExternalSystem, the Model and the application explicity
    • syncfiles - Which synchronises multiple files, but uses a Regular Expression to find the required information about the ExternalSystem, the Model and the application.


Create your CSV file(s) with the data you need to synchronise with:


Run one of the built in command (i.e. if you have a “Winner” Django model)s:

> python manage.py syncfile 'HRSystem' 'prizes' 'Winner' /tmp/the/file.csv

Check your application to see that Andrew Dodd is now a Winner and that other guy was deleted.

NOTE WELL: There is no need to write any Python to make this work!